Article paru dans Sécurité globale, automne 2009.
Ilan Juran,
Professeur, Polytechnic Institute, New York University .
Bruno Nguyen,
Directeur des opérations d’eau de Paris.
Sion Cohen,
Vice-président du planning et des infrastructures de Mekorot.
Water Security Management Assessment, Research & Technology
Article 1st
The present co-founding members have founded an association governed by the law of July 1st, 1901, named Water Security Management Assessment, Research & Technology. This denomination can be accompanied or not by the initials “W-SMART” which can be used alone.
Article 2
The main purpose of W-SMART is to create the necessary international forum for promoting and catalyzing information sharing and collaboration in the field of water security among metropolitan public and private water agencies, national organizations representing these agencies, institutions and local, national and international authorities and applied R&D in the field of drinking water. Readmore…
Water Security Management Assessment, Research & Technology
New York February 3rd 2006
This Charter provides additional information to complete the general status of the association. It details the objectives and the fundamental principles adapted by the founders of W-SMART.
The article 1 of the status of the association specifies: « The main purpose of W-SMART is to create the necessary international forum for promoting and catalyzing information sharing and collaboration in the field of water security particularly among metropolitan public and private water agencies, national organizations representing these agencies, institutions and local, national and international authorities and applied R&D in the field of drinking water».
This cooperation is focused on operational needs of the water utilities. Its main objective is to upgrade their technical capabilities and improve their emergency response, crisis management and recovery practices with respect to both terrorism, man made and natural disasters, contribute to increase public safety and upgrade water supply security worldwide.
The water supply security is defined as the capacity to supply water in sufficient quantity and required quality to the users’ tap at any time both, during normal operation and crisis situation, which can be the consequence of natural disasters or direct/indirect man activity… ReadMore