Metropolitan Climate C.A.R.E. Management Challenges
Date(s): Nov 5, 2019 - Nov 6, 2019Time: 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM
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Metropolitan Climate C.A.R.E. Management Challenges
CILE, LIEGE, Nov 05 – 06, 2019
Find complete brochure for W-SMART Workshop 2023
The purpose of the W-SMART 2019 International Workshop on “Metropolitan Water Security, Crisis Management & Disaster Recovery Challenges facing Extreme Events” is to promote experience sharing among city governments, water services, wastewater utilities, research institutions and other metropolitan stakeholders on the growing climate change impacts on water security challenges they currently face, focusing on lessons learned from recent events and assessment of crisis management and post disaster recovery challenges and strategies. It is hosted by the C.I.L.E., the Water Company of Liege, and is co-organized by the W-SMART Association with the collaboration of SIAAP, the Wastewater Treatment Company of the Paris Agglomeration, the North American AMWA and NACWA Associations of Water Agencies and Wastewater Utilities, and the IWA- W2SM Specialists Group on Water Safety & Security Management. This Workshop will precede a UNESCO “Metropolitan Eco-security Colloquium”, which will be hosted by UNESCO at its H.Q. in Paris, on November 7 & 8, which is co-organized in collaboration with the Workshop Steering Committee.
Main Workshop Themes
The workshop will include a Cyber Attack Crisis Management Exercise, and a Post-Exercise panel discussion on crisis management, cyber security and recovery challenges. Focusing on lessons learned from recent events its goal is to promote experience sharing on crisis management and recovery challenges, including corporate preparedness, public education and assessment of current capacity building programs of local governments and metropolitan utilities to face growing climate change impacts and urban water security challenges, including:
- Upgrading crisis management capabilities and preparedness for extreme events, including corporate preparedness, regulatory measures, customer-system interaction, cyber-security challenges, inter-agency coordination, inter-state collaboration, public education, etc.;
- Planning and Implementing urban infrastructure resilience building programs to ensure water service eco-security facing extreme events, river floods, sea-level rise, other eco-risks;
- Monitoring, assessment and forecasting climate change impacts on water and wastewater utilities operational challenges and their adaptation measures for sustaining water service, quality, safety and eco-security;
- Post-Disaster environmental impacts assessment and recovery challenges – lessons learned from recent events – the way forward on local level and regional scale;
- Promoting innovative technology solutions and smart management and control systems to improve eco-resilience capacity building in “smarter” cities, upgrade wastewater treatment process control for water reuse and energy recovery, and address other eco-security issues;
- Upgrading cyber-security to meet new regulatory measures and ISO requirements;
- Improving integration efficiency of renewable and recovered water and energy resourcesfacing water stress situations and challenges of eco-sustainable energy-water-food security;
Nov 5 & 6,
- Welcome & Workshop Objectives
- WRI Overview Sessions
- Invited Experts
Welcome Session
8:30 – 9:00 am
- Welcome – Prof. (Ret.) Ilan JURAN, NYU
Metropolitan WRI Overview Sessions
9:30 – 16:05
Crisis Management Exercise – including Cyber Security challenges with invited W-SMART members as Observers
Post Exercise Meeting of invited W-SMART Observers with CILE Officers;
12:00 – 13:00 pm
W-SMART General Assembly & Planning Meeting
14:00 – 16:00 pm
CILE – W-SMART Post Exercise Summary & Next Year Planning Meeting
16:00 – 17:00 pm
Welcome Diner – Mr. Marc MINET Resilience Officer of the City of Liege
Welcome Introduction – Mr. Alain PALMANS, CEO, CILE
19:00 pm
November , 6th
VAN DER VALK Hotel, Esplanade de l’Europe 2, 4020 LIEGE
Morning Sessions
8:00 am
Session 1: Crisis Management– Post Exercise Lessons learned & Experience Sharing;
8:30 – 10:00 am
Eric ADAMSE, Security Policy Officer, VITENS;
Panel Experts:
- CILE Crisis Management Exercise – Key Lessons Learned –
- William De ANGELIS, Cyber Security Officer
- Crisis Management Exercise – Planning, Execution & Lessons Learned – Bruno NGUYEN, President, W-SMART & Erich SHAW;
- Corporate Awareness Building & Exercise Planning –
- Alexandra CRISTOVAO, Director, Sustainability Division, EPAL Proceeding
- Eric ADAMSE, Security Policy Officer, VITENS; Proceeding
Session 2:
Cyber Security, Emergency Response & Resilience Building Challenges
10:20 – 11:40am
Avraham Ben Yossef, Deputy CEO, MEKOROT;
Panel Experts:
- Cyber Security Challenges & Regulatory Measures –
- Georges ATAYA, Professor, Academic Director (, Vice President of the Belgian Cyber-security Coalition
- Jozef van BRUSSEL, Program Manager Cyber-security, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water, Netherlands
- Ehud ROTH, Cyber Security Expert, MEKOROT Proceeding
- Operation: Tejo River 2018 – Unpolluting the Waterbody
- Alexandra CRISTOVAO, Director, Sustainability Division, EPAL;Proceeding
- Societal Resilience Building Challenges of a City in a Conflict
- Dr. Benny VAKNIN, Former Mayor of the City of Ashkelon Proceeding
Lunch with Mr. Marc Minet, Resilience Officer of the City of Liege
Introduction: Alain PALMANS, CEO, CILE;
11:40 – 13:00 pm
Session 3:
Climate Change Impacts Monitoring & Adaptation Strategies
13:00 – 14:20 pm
Prof. Ilan Juran, Executive Director, W-SMART Association
Panel Experts:
- Patrick FAUVET, Director, Regional Development, SIAAP;Proceeding
- Avraham BEN YOSSEF, Deputy CEO, MEKOROT;
- Laurent BRUNET, Technical Director, SUEZ Eau France;
- Laurna KAATZ, Director, Climate Science Program, Denver Water
- Amit CHANAN, Director, Infrastructure, City of Sydney
- Resilience Benchmarking – Peter DANE, Benchmarking Foundation, NL;
Session 4:
Innovation Workshop on R&D Challenges for Smart Eco-Resilience Building:
14:40 – 16:00
Panel Experts:
- Urban Agriculture – Jean Michel TIBERI, Business Partner Middle East-Africa & Italy, Development, Innovation & Markets Department;Proceeding
- Drinking Water Restrictions facing Water Scarcity– Robin van LEERDAM, National Institute for Public Health & Environment, Netherlands;Proceeding
- Towards Smart Optimization of Waste Water Treatment Management – Olivier ROUSSELOT, Director, Laboratories & Environment, SIAAP;Proceeding
- Urban Energy-Water Nexus Challenges for Data Science & Energy Recovery Innovation – Dr. Josh SPERLING, US-DOE, NREL, Colorado;
- From Defense Applications to Smart Infrastructure Management – Brig. General (Ret.) Doron GAVISH;Proceeding
Concluding Remarks
116:40 – 17:00 pm
- Bruno NGUYEN, President, W-SMART Association
- MAWAC-ENAR Water Research & Innovation (WRI) Workshop - Mar 20, 2023 - Mar 21, 2023 - 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM
- Metropolitan Climate C.A.R.E. Management Challenges - Nov 5, 2019 - Nov 6, 2019 - 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM