The AG “RTWQM” addresses specifically developments that strengthen the interaction between “sensor technologies” and “data analyses & monitoring tools” to safeguard or improve water quality aspects in the different water using sectors following the smart water concept described under 4.7 and 4.9 of the EIP on Water SIP. Included are all sensors and analyzers that […]
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SW4EU recognized with an award in the...
SW4EU recognized with an award in the category ‘Water performance initiative of the year 2014’ The European research project Smartwater4Europe has been awarded a distinction in the category ‘Water performance initiative of the year’ of the 2014 Global Water Awards. The winner of the category was the Indian water company of Dehli, Delhi Jal Board’s, […]
Optiqua Next Generation of Event Lab ...
EventLab–Online Water Quality Monitoring for Smart Water Networks Optiqua EventLab is a solution for real-time monitoring of water quality in networked applications such as drinking water distribution networks. EventLab is designed for deployment as a high density sensor network, with distributed sensor nodes connected to a central server for data collection and processing. A network […]
SW4EU, a unique water network in Euro...
SW4EU, a unique water network in Europe What is it? A collaborative project comprising 21 players from the public and private sectors led by Dutch utility Vitens and featuring technology demonstration sites performed by Acciona Agua, Thames Water, the University of Lille and Vitens, focused on making the business case for smart water supply networks […]
Vitens at Aquatech Innovation Award 2...
Vitens is nominated for a Aquatech Innovation Award 2015 in the category ‘Not-yet-to-market’ with CAGIS: Real-time Customer Alert GIS, Vitens. CAGIS is a geographical operations dashboard displaying customer interactions (phone calls, tweets) and sensor alerts used by the operations department to identify events as pipe leaks and water quality problems much faster, ideally before a […]
W-Smart Platform Organisation
Partner 19: W-SMART The W-SMART Association is a not-for-profit Association incorporated in 2005 as an International Water Security Alliance of Water Utilities. Originated in New York City at the aftermath of 9/11 under the leadership of the Commissioner of New York City Department of Environmental Protection its members include both private and public water supply […]
CITC Platform Organisation
Partner 14: CITC The Innovative Centre on Contactless Technologies (CITC) is a non-profit organization located in Lille (Northern France). The CITC brings together the contactless technology skills and the existing experimentation platforms in the north of France and the Euro regions (Belgium, UK, Netherlands, Germany) and is backed by over 250 members and partners. It […]
The University of Lille
Partner 4: Université des sciences et technologies de Lille – Lille 1 With about 1200 faculty members, 1000 PhD students, 1000 technical staff and 19 000 students, the University Lille1 is one of the major French universities in the field of fundamental science, engineering and social science. It has a great potential in conducting multidisciplinary […]
CEA List R&D
Partner 8: CEA-List CEA-List is an institute aiming at technological research regarding digital smart systems. It is based near Paris at Saclay and Fontenay-aux-Roses, and is a key software systems research centre working in three areas with vital societal and economic implications: embedded systems (architecture and design of systems, methods and facilities for software and […]
Partner 13: KWR Water B.V. KWR is the Dutch research institute for the drinking water sector, their current shareholders. Unique in the world, this collaboration of the Dutch water supply companies has resulted in a powerful knowledge base and an extensive collective memory (> 60 years) for the drinking water sector. KWR develops and unlocks […]