The SmartH2O project aims at developing an ICT platform to understand and model the consumers’ current behaviour, based on historical and real-time water usage data, predict how the consumer behaviour can be influenced by various water demand management policies: water savings campaigns, social awareness campaigns, to dynamic water pricing schemes, and raise the awareness of water consumers on their current water usage habits and their lifestyle implications and to stimulate them to reduce water use. Results will be deployed in two challenging use cases, in selected districts of London (UK) and Locarno (CH) , potentially reaching millions of users.
The European partners involved in the project are:
- Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale, SUPSI-USI, Lugano, Switzerland
- Politecnico di Milano
- University of Manchester
- SET Mobile Srl
- European Institute for participatory media
- Moonsubmarine
- Thames Water Utilities Ltd
- Società Elettrica Sopracenerina
Project website:
Contacts: Andrea Castelletti (, Piero Fraternali (, Andrea Cominola (, Matteo Giuliani (