Partner 9: scan Messtechnik (SME)
s::can Messtechnik GmbH is a manufacturer of online water quality monitoring systems, based in Vienna Austria. s::can has a turnover of nearly €10 million, has sales offices in 5 countries and is represented by approximately 40 partners around the world. s::can currently employs about 50 people. s::can aims to be a global leader in online optical water monitoring and invests heavily in R&D. With thousands of systems installed in the field, s::can has a broad range of clients, ranging from governments, universities, water boards to private companies. The core s::can know-how lies in submersible spectrometer probes for monitoring important water parameters such as turbidity (NTU/FTU), Nitrate (NO3-N), Colour (Hazen) and organic parameters such as Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and / or Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC). In 2012, s::can developed a new sensor, called the “i::scan”, which is an ultra-compact, LED based sensor for monitoring NTU, TOC, UV254, Colour and spectral alarm parameters online and continuously. This probe is to be used throughout a water distribution network in order to determine any potential contaminations and e.g. issues with chlorination or simply warn in case of any unknown events related to the water quality. Together with common parameters such as pH, Conductivity and Chlorine, all mounted in the so called “nano::station”, the complete water supply can be monitored and optimized in real time.